Goto Atlus America

Contact Tease Anger / Fear / Joy
  Preach Interest / Anger / Joy
  Scold Anger / Fear / Joy
  Ignore Interest / Anger / Fear
Original Japanese Name
Yukino Kaoru

Japanese Nickname

At first, Yuki may seem like a cool, uncaring girl, but that is just her mature and reserved attitude. Yuki doesn't bother with what's trendy or popular, and prefers to keep to herself than hae others know a lot about her. She is seen as a very trustworthy person, and many of the females students at St. Hermelin look up to her. Recently, she started working at the Ying Yang shop near school, which has helped open her eyes to the world.

When Brad, Mark, Ellen, and the others began playing Persona, Yuki watched on in curiosity, but had little desire to participate in such childish things. When she became involved in the strange happening after the group visited Mary at the hospital, she fought bravely and sworn not to stop until Lunarvale was once again safe.

Best-Suited Persona Type

Yuki's personality fits in perfectly with the Empress, which is that of a maternal figure. She is normally quiet and serene, wanting nothing more than to go about her life and not be involved in complex matters. But should the things she loves most be threatened, she fights with an unbelievable drive and becomes a terrifying force to recon with.