Goto Atlus America


Since I'm one who always believes those who deserve thanks deserve them, I'd like to give credit where credit is due to the following people...

Of course, Atlus Corp. for allowing me to use their wonderful artwork, without which this page would be an utter bore. As well, heartfelt thanks to them for bringing out Persona in the first place, and giving me a reason to do this webpage. Thanks to Henry LaPierre, hard-core Persona player, for not only making his awesome Persona FAQ, but for allowing me to use info from it on the Velvet Room. Thanks to Jason and Frank at GameFan Books, for putting up with me above and beyond the call of duty, and helping me out with this page (buy their Persona strategy guide! ^_^). Thanks to the Mirandites (for being the Mirandites), Bruce, Griffon, Hobbs and DJ Beltlogger over at GF (just so that they can say they were thanked on a webpage), Jewel and the Chess soundtrack (my two current picks of music to help pass the time).